What do you mean by security? Explain different layers of security? What are threats to Security
Information Security Policies
These policies are the foundation of the security and well-being of our resources. They can help you increase the awareness of information security within your organization. And they'll demonstrate to your clients that you're serious about protecting their information.
Physical Security
We secure our valuables under lock and key and we monitor our homes with security cameras. It shouldn't be any different for our servers and offices. We'll provide ways to keep your system safe, with solutions that include everything from lockable racks to password-enabled screen savers.
Secure Networks and Systems
EGiS builds networks and systems with your company's security in mind. Our mission: to manage, monitor and protect the perimeter of your network-that crucial intersection where your private network connects to the public Internet. We'll make sure your DNS and domain name is safe, provide e-mail filtering, firewall and Internet content security and more.
Vulnerability Programs
Every system has inherent vulnerabilities. But by maintaining anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-spam and Windows® and firewall updates-as well as updates to your industry programs, we can help you mitigate these risks.
Strong Access Control Measures
We safeguard against unauthorized access to your system by limiting and controlling access. We recommend using complex passwords that change often. And, when possible, we implement Multi-Factor Authentication. We also support the least privilege model, so only the people who should have access to your sensitive data do.
Protect and Backup Data
An important key to keeping your data safe is to encrypt it where it's stored and when it's transported. Using Continuous Data Protection, we'll make sure your servers back up data as it changes. We can also replicate your critical data to a secure, off-site location.
Monitor and Test Your Systems
Repeat after us: Always be vigilant. EGiS is here to test your internal and external systems for risks, review your policies with you, and continually monitor, log, report and alert you to potential problems.