Sociology, asked by kaka4855, 1 year ago

What do you mean by social organisation ? Explain the factors affecting social organization.


Answered by sarah1077

In sociology, a social organization is a pattern of relationships between and among individuals and social groups. Characteristics of social organization can include qualities such as sexual composition, spatiotemporal cohesion, leadership, structure, division of labor, communication systems, and so on.

7 Main Factors which Affect the Social Change in Every Society

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Social Change characterizes every society. However its direction, speed and nature are affected by several factor

Main factors which affect social change can be discussed a follows:

1. Natural Factors

Natural forces and factors play an important role in unifying or disintegrating the society. Although human beings have made tremendous progress during the last 150 years or so, yet they have not been able to wield full control over the nature.

A storm, earthquake, flood, drought, disease and similar natural events even today can disrupt the social system. Natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, draughts, famines and other natural disasters always force changes in the social conditions and life of the affected people

2. Geographical Factors of Social Change

The geographical conditions always affect the social system and act as factors of social change. The cultural life of the people depends upon the physical environment. Progress also depends upon the availability of natural resources, their exploitation and how are these being recouped and preserved

It is necessary to remember that physical environment changes slowly and in a society social change can come at a fast rate. As such geographic factors are not the sole determining factors of social change.

3. Biological Factors

Biological factors also affect social change. Biological factors are those factors which determine the structure, selection and hereditary qualities of generations. The human element is ever changing. Each new generation is different from previous generation. It is different in form, ideas and in many other ways from the one gone before.

Darwin and Spencer are of the opinion that each generation and its members have to compromise with the physical environment. Only those persons survive in the struggle for life who are fit and are able to live, or those, in other words, who have the ability to face the physical conditions. The weak ones get destroyed. The process of the survival of the fittest affects the social organization.

4. Demographic Factors:

The Demographic factors always influence the process and nature of Social Change. The population increase or decrease always brings social problems. When the birth-rate in a society exceeds death-rate, population begins to rise. A constantly rising population gives birth to poverty, unemployment, disease and several other related problems.

On the other hand, a low birth-rate means leads to decrease in the size of the population. When population is low, there are fewer skilled hands available and the country cannot make full use of the natural resources. The social conditions deteriorate the size of families shrink and it affects the social relations.

Even the sex ratio of in a society greatly influences social order. When in a society the number of women is more than men, the custom of polygamy sets in. On the contrary, if there are more men than women, it often gives rise to polyandry. When women outnumber men, dowry system becomes common, when men outnumber women the custom of bride valuation starts.

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Falling ratio of females in society always creates a dangerous imbalance in society. Population always influences social institutions, relations, social structure, values and ideals. Demographic factors have large and profound bearing on the society as well as on the process of social change.

5. Socio-economic Factors:

The economic factors constitute an important factor of social change. Marx said that the entire social structure of a country is determined by economic factors i.e the means of production and distribution of material means of production and distribution. When there are changes in the means of production i.e the material productive forces of society, it is always changes the social organization.

6. Cultural Factors

7. Science and Technology as factors of Social Change.

Answered by Cetacea


Social organization is the relationship established between individuals and social groups .This depicts about social norm and values that get shared between people in social group .It also states about population density of the groups.

Factors tat impact social organization are as follows:-

  • Leadership
  • structure
  • Sexual composition
  • communication process
  • Labor community etc.

Learn more:-

Importance of social organization in the society

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