what do you mean by the following terms. write a short noteon them? (a) indentation (b) margin (c) text allingment
Class: IX Topic: Word Processing-Getting Started with Word Processing (SESSION-1) Subject: IT Q1- What are the advantages of a word processor over typewriters? Ans- 1. Fast 2. Editing 3. Permanent storage 4. Formatting 5. Graphics 6. OLE 7. Spell Check 8. Mail Merge Q2- What is text area? What do you understand by a workspace? Ans-Text area-The area where we write/type the text is the text area. Workspace- It is the layout of commands in the screen available to the user. Q3- Expand the term WYSIWYG. Why is Writer called a WYSIWYG program? Ans- WYSIWYG means What You See Is What You Get. Writer is WYSIWYG program, that is, the screen, shows us exactly how our document will look when we print it out. Q4-What are non-printing characters? What are the different marks that Writer uses for displaying nonprinting characters? Ans-The characters which do not appear on the paper when we print a document are Known as non-printing characters e.g.-space bar, Enter key etc. For Enter Key, Writer placed a paragraph mark ( ¶ ) For Space bar, Writer placed a space mark ( . ) in the document. For Tab Key, Writer placed a tab mark ( ) Q5-Which command is used to save a file in Writer? Which command will let you