What do you mean by time taken to reach max. temp?
Use Time-to-Temperature to help you save energy. Cranking the heat up to 90ºF/32ºC won’t make your home heat up any faster, but it will waste energy if you don’t remember to turn it down. The longer your system is heating or cooling your home, the more energy you’re using. Just choose a comfortable target temperature and your Nest Thermostat will tell you how long it will take to get there.
Your Nest Thermostat starts learning as soon as you install it. When you change the temperature, you’ll see the estimated time it will take to reach the new target temperature. Your thermostat will learn how quickly your home warms up and cools down and improve its estimates as you continue to use it. However, your thermostat will only estimate Time-to-Temperature for temperatures that you’ve manually set on the thermostat itself or with the Nest app. Temperatures that you have put into your schedule and temperatures added by Auto-Schedule won’t have a Time-to-Temperature displayed. Once the target temperature is reached, the Time-to-Temperature will disappear, and the screen background will turn from orange (heating) or blue (cooling) to black.
The Nest Thermostat estimates Time-to-Temperature in increments of five minutes. If it’s less than ten minutes until the temperature you’ve selected is reached, the display will read, “less than ten minutes.” If it’s more than two hours, Nest will read “IN 2+ HR.”
The Time-to-Temperature estimate will get more accurate as your thermostat continues to learn about your home and heating or cooling system. With the latest Nest Thermostat software in 2015, we’ve improved not only how your thermostat learns about your system, how quickly your home heats and cools, and how the weather affects. In fact we’ve improved our temperature prediction by 25% for heating and 65% for cooling