English, asked by divya93sachdeva, 10 months ago

What do you prefer more ,watching Television or reading books in your spare time ? Give reasons in support of your


Answered by srs15856


Reading horrer novels

Answered by shiblushibu786


1. Develop Verbal Abilities

Even though TV is mostly dialogue, books are better than television at increasing your vocabulary. So why is reading better for your vocabulary?  TV typically uses short and simple sentences, pitched at a fourth grade level.

Good children’s books however, typically contain language twice as complex as a tv show. This means using a greater range of vocabulary, longer sentences and more complex sentences. Adult novels and especially newspapers can step up the benefits again, with even richer and more varied language.

A paper on What Reading Does for the Mind stated that reading volume contributed directly to vocabulary knowledge in fourth to sixth grade children.  Author Anne Cunningahm of Berkeley concludes that reading can build verbal (and other) abilities in children regardless of academic achievement levels.

Better verbal abilities also translate to better writing skills which is important in many jobs.

2. Develop Focus And Concentration

This benefit of reading is one that TV actually damages.  TV actively develops short concentration habits leading to poor focus.  TV shows are made up of short ‘scenes’ between advertisement breaks.  Most scenes in shows are fast paced, high action, with constantly changing camera angles.  We call this the “Sesame Street syndrome” as that show changes more frequently than average.

Rapid changes are designed to stop people hitting the remote button and switching stations. So watchers of television tend to develop a short attention span or lack of focus.   If you also multitask when watching TV your lack of focus gets even worse.  You probably multitask because you are not fully engaged in the experience and not using mental muscles.

Books,on the other hand, develop focus and concentration skills as they engage and hold the reader’s attention. This is exercise for our focus and thinking muscles.   We don’t usually take a break from reading every few minutes.  In fact, we rarely do other things at the same time as reading.  Sometimes we are so focused on our reading we are barely aware of the world around us at all.  Sound familiar?

3. Readers Enjoy The Arts

Studies have shown that readers tend to enjoy concerts, plays and museums more than non-readers.   We haven’t found any studies on this compared to TV watchers, but again, the skills of concentration and  focus are needed to enjoy the Arts.  Skills watching TV do not seem to help.

4. Improve Your Imagination

A Los Angeles County study showed children produced less imaginative responses after watching a film, compared to listening to a story.  When we read (or just listen) we have to create a vision of everything in our mind.  We use our imagination to craft the world and events described in the book.  This exercise stimulates many functions of the brain.

In comparison a TV show provides the full visual image for us, and eliminates any background information or musings by the characters.  We turn off our imagination and receive the story as imagined by the director.

This is one reason we never think the movie is as good as the book. We imagined it differently to the director so it doesn’t match our experience.  Who hasn’t seen the outcries then the cast of the latest book to movie project is announced. Each reader has their own vision and the selection of a particular actor can polarize the book community who see it quite differently.

5. Watching TV Can Lower Your IQ

Some television programs do provide great educational input. We love National Geographic as much as the next person.  But more often a tv show requires little to no input or thinking by the viewer.  We admit it, this is one of the attractions of television on occasion.

Trouble is, a  Japanese study in 2013 found watching tv actually lowered the IQ of children. In contrast, a recent study by Emory University found reading novels created heightened connectivity in the brain for up to five days after reading.  Connectivity in the brain translates to getting smarter over time.  So reading can make you smarter.

6. Be Interesting And Attractiv

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