English, asked by rekhafulzele72p1nc84, 5 months ago

‘What do you prefer- Virtual classes or real/physical classes?’
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Answered by jigyasha35

Virtual or online learning provides various channels such as mail, online chat and video conferences, through which students and instructors can interact with each other. In the classroom, there is only one channel to communicate with each other. Many students have a visual memory and seem to learn more willingly and are interested in online modes of teaching. Virtual learning is opted these days due to the shutdown of schools and institutions.

Online education is a necessity these days. Although it gives a student an opportunity to learn,Once the educational lessons are done, they start surfing other things. Hence, the impact of learning is uncertain and not always optimum. Education is not limited to the syllabus only; it also includes discipline, manners, morals and interaction with other students and teachers. These traits are difficult to inject through online teaching. In fact, I am of the opinion that the education system in schools should not be much inclined towards smart classes.

The students are left with no option other than virtual learning due to the coronavirus pandemic. The teachers are trying their best to teach the children online and have also asked them to contact whenever they face any difficulty in studying. Despite that, classroom learning is better than virtual learning and understanding concepts in the class is easier.

In such times when desperate measures are being taken, virtual learning has proven to be a shred of hope for the students and teachers. I am undertaking six months of industrial training via virtual classes. We can outline that this method has its pros and cons. For instance, in this virus outbreak, many software solutions and applications such Zoom, Webex, Amazon Chime, and Microsoft team allow video conferencing. Technical resources and facilities to aid the learning process can be shared, but we can only interact virtually, whereas classroom learning involves direct interaction between the students and the instructor. We also need to take care of the fact that the software or application used for the virtual classroom is secure. Moreover, virtual classrooms have some requirements, like a steady internet connection and an interface such as laptop/computer or a mobile phone. Hence, virtual learning may not be a convenient option for the economically weaker section. Virtual learning may not be as perfect as classroom learning, but in a pandemic, it serves the purpose.

Virtual teaching is not the perfect substitute to the classroom setting, but there is no better alternative for now. Learning should never stop and technology is the best channel for that. Teachers should make videos and share them with the students through WhatsApp, YouTube or school homework applications. There should also be some provision for clearing the doubts. Besides, the students should utilise this time and learn life skills. In any case, there is an ocean of videos on every topic on YouTube, which the students can access for free. Inderpal Si

Owing to the lockdown, the education system has shifted from classroom teaching to virtual teaching to avoid learning gap. This was inevitable as we can’t step out of our houses. College and university students can adapt to this mode easily as they have their own smart phones. Early learners can gain access to digital learning with the help of their parents. This in no way will ever substitute the need of a teacher though.

Though the online platform is not as convenient as classroom teaching, but it is still very effective in educating students during these difficult times. Teachers have been using new tools and technologies to teach pupils. The e-learning platform is the only and the best substitute to classroom learning for now. Besides, it is more innovative and makes learning interesting and creative for students. Therefore, it is important that we support teachers and educators in their endeavors to educate students from home.

Teaching and learning in a virtual classroom is a unique experience both for teachers and students. Online classes are more effective as compared to the offline ones as these save students’ time and money. In a virtual set-up, students only need to go through a video to understand the topic instead of spending hours at school as in a classroom set-up. The best part about online learning is that the students can watch recorded lectures as many time as they want to understand a concept better, which is not possible in regular classrooms.

Virtual learning is a bliss if students and teachers have easy access to technology and internet. The platform enable students to attend lectures while being in the comforts of their home. Students can also ask questions and clear their doubts instantly. The only hindrance to online learning is poor internet and lack of technological awareness among students. Apart from this, online mode of education is highly beneficial.

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