What do you think about Feminism?
However, third-wave feminism – which emerged shortly after the term "intersectionality" was coined in the late 1980s – notes the lack of attention to race, class, sexual orientation, and gender identity in early feminist movements, and tries to provide a channel to address political and social disparities.
In all honesty I believe calling for equality in the name of anything besides equality, be it race equality, pay equality, religious freedom or what have you immediately put off a certain segment of the population. I think those who feel as if they fit into the box of the “oppressor” or guilty party by means of their gender, race, socioeconomic background or religion may be considered a target of these movements by today’s SJWs. It could be characterized that since a person checks off a few boxes of those who “typically” engage in the the oppression of a certain subsection of the populous that they are deemed guilty before one gets to know them or their character at all. Now as a straight, white, raised Catholic male I have been made to feel that my opinion on any of these social issues are mute because I’m not a “minority” or disadvantaged person in any way. So to say anything meaningful, in person, to those who may ask my opinion on some of these matters my response is often met with something along the lines of “You’re privileged” or that I can’t understand the real issues. This has sometimes left me to just be supportive in the quiet sense as opposed to being outspoken about similar issues as I prefer not to be put on trial for actions of those of similar gender, race or perceived religious affiliations.
Like many other people, I’ve grown to be very dismayed at what third wave feminism has evolved to. One opinion I have that’s very unpopular among feminists is that in the same boat as posting pictures of your urine and excrement.
Menstruation is an extremely natural process that every women experiences and NO ONE should be ashamed of. It should not be a stigma and it isn’t a huge deal if a guy sees your pads.
But posting pictures of your menstrual blood and used pads is just plain weird. I don’t see people taking pictures of their turd and proudly posting a picture to Instagram (and I sure hope it stays this way). Just like excrement, periods are wastes and fluids that are discharged from the body, and posting and talking is similar to telling your followers all about the sh*t you just took. For some reason, it’s being passed off as ‘empowerment’.