what do you think about the suçcess of democracy in India
India has declared herself as the Sovereign Democratic Republic and takes an enviable credit for being the largest democracy in the world. But democracy is not merely a form of Government; it is a way of life. ... Without an educated citizenry democracy cannot be a success and will fail to give its rich dividends.
Success of democracy in India
Democracy is a system of government that allows citizens to vote and choose the government of their choice. India had become a democratic nation after independence from British rule in 1947. Today it is the world's largest democratic nation. Indian democracy gives its citizens the right to vote with their choice by not paying attention to caste, color, creed, religion and gender. .It has five democratic principles - Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democracy and Democratic Republic.
Various political parties stand in the state along with the national level from time to time to contest elections. Prior to the election, he preaches about the works completed during his previous tenure and also shares his future plans with the people. According to the Constitution, every Indian citizen over 18 years of age has the right to vote. The government is also making concerted efforts to encourage more and more people to vote. People should know everything about the candidates standing for the election before voting and the best qualified person should vote for good governance.