English, asked by preranajana2, 9 months ago

what do you think should be the proper duty of the king???​


Answered by rtnair123


The roles of a King was to protect the kingdom, increase the wealth and trade of the kingdom, as well as to take care of the poor redistributing the tribute paid as necessary. This was the ideal of the monarchic structure, and in the best of days, it worked. The two headed-eagle represents state and church. Indeed there was a time when the Church Sovereign dealt with Spiritual matters and negotiations between disputed territories amongst kings, and the King dealt with financial and legal state business. In the best of days, this worked too.

In the worst of days, both state and church have been absolutely vacant of morality. A good monarchy offered more freedom than any place on the earth today. A bad monarchy was as despotic and corrupt as anyone can possibly imagine. But there is something to be appreciated about the natural cause for the need of some sort of protectorate and it’s various successes.

please amrk this the brainliest

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