what do you think the rational behind taking an anthropology course at this (degree)level of program
Anthropologists study the concept of culture and its relationship to human life in different times and places. They study other societies to gain a clearer perspective on our own. They study the past to help interpret the present.
please mark my ans as Brainlist
Looking beyond the artifacts themselves can answer such a question.
The artifacts were found in burials with no indication that the tools
had been reused or worn out. Binford sees this phenomenon as a shift
from the manufacture of tools used to survive to artifacts with symbolic
(221). With the appearance of non-tools with an unequal ratio
of use and manufacture, an indicator of population expansion occurs,
where certain individuals will require symbols of higher social rank.
Although merely a hypothesis, and the possibility that these socio-technic
items served as technomic tools as well, Binford’s systemic approach
is the beginning of explanation that can be furthered as archaeologists
continue to use all the data they have.