what do you understand by aims of education
Aims of education are formulated keeping in view the needs of situation. Human nature is multisided with multiple needs, which are related to life. Educational aims are correlated to ideals of life. The goal of education should be the full flowering of the human on this earth
education should aim at imparting knowledge, skill, and information to the pupils in order to make them self-reliant; not to be a drag or parasite upon others. As such, vocational bias in education is absolutely necessary for enabling pupils to be productive members in the society.
tellectual Achievement: To provide students with academic knowledge and skills in order to prepare them for post-secondary education or the workforce. This has been the most agreed upon aim of education. Most parents want their children to reach high standards in math, English, history, and science.
Prosocial Values: To train students for responsible citizenship and prepare them for adulthood through socializing them in the norms and values of society. Teachers, who symbolize authority to the child, emphasize the values of a democratic society, such as patriotism, obedience, honesty, cooperation, competitiveness, and moral responsibility.