English, asked by rohit5292, 5 months ago

What do you understand by 'Crocodile tears'?​


Answered by krish12492008


Crocodile tears (or superficial sympathy) is a false, insincere display of emotion such as a hypocrite crying fake tears of grief. ... While crocodiles do have tear ducts, they weep to lubricate their eyes, typically when they have been out of water for a long time and their eyes begin to dry out.


Answered by nitish7717


parts. Here, one

thing you will notice is that the coil of the iron is made of an alloy. Can you give

reasons as to why an alloy is usedTake a broken down electric iron and open it to reveal different parts. Here, one

thing you will notice is that the coil of the iron is made of an alloy. Can you give

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