What do you understand by inquality ?
inequality means when everyone is not getting the equal opportunities .
Inequality is concerned with disparities in the distribution of a certain metric, which can be income, health or any other material or non-material asset. Inequality typically refers to within country inequality on individual or group level, such as between gender, urban and rural population, race etc. Inequality among countries are referred to as international inequality.
Inequality is closed linked to the ideas of equity, which has two contrasting concepts: equality of opportunity and equality of outcome.
The first one, equality of opportunity, is concerned with the equal potential of every individual access public services and rights. Liberal thinking considers equality of opportunity, in particular in education, as fundamental precondition for a truly meritocratic system. Equality of opportunity to access health care, education or job openings are today considered fundamental in the European welfare systems.
The second aspect of equity, equality of outcome, is concerned with the actual outcome of asset distribution within or among countries. Policies to reach equality of outcome often include direct and indirect redistribution.
The concepts can however not always been seen in contrast. For example, the equality of outcome, i.e. the effective assets of a family, affect the equality opportunity of their children in many aspects as many studies have shown. Low household income has been shown to correlate across cultures to many indicators of child well-being.[1]
Income inequality between the world’s richest and poorest is higher than ever before, with the richest 5 percent of people receiving one-third of total global income, as much as the poorest 80 percent.[2]