What do you understand by IPO cycle
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IPO means Input , process , output , which is the first thing we all should keep in mind while writing any program . First we have to take input from the user & then we follow processing , Processing means on which concept or logic your program is based , like for adding two numbers , a+b wil be processing , & finally we get a output . This whole process is known as IPO cycle
MUKUSS thanks for your answer. It helped me a lot. Once again thank you for your help and support
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IPO stands for Input-Process-Output. This is a process by which any Input is provided to the computer, then CPU processes the information and whatever we get after procession is called Output. ............... For eg.-----> u provide any Raw data to the system, like in excel u assign formulas, the no. on which the formula will work is a RAW data, Then after that CPU Processes and whatever u get after procession as an answer is the output................ So this is IPO Cycle.
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