What do you understand by party ticket ?
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A ticket refers to a single election choice which fills more than one political office or seat. For example, in the U.S., the candidates for President and Vice President run on the same "ticket", because they are elected together on a single ballot question rather than separately.
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Straight-ticket-voting orstraight-party voting is the practice of voting for every candidate that a political party has on a general election ballot. For example, if a member of theDemocratic Party in the United States votes for every candidate for president, Senator, Representative, Governor, state legislators, and those running for local government who are Democratic, this is considered straight-ticket voting. In general, straight-ticket voting was a very common occurrence up until around the 1960s and 1970s. Since that time, straight-ticket voting has declined in the United States among the general voting population; however, strong partisans (that is strong party identifiers) have remained straight-ticket voters. In the early days of the parties, it was nearly impossible not to vote on a straight-party line vote. Voters would receive a colored ballot with that party's nominees on it. A split-ticket vote would require two different colored ballots, which confused the voter. Often, the voter would choose a specific party, and vote for everyone from that party. Some states have had an option (sometimes known as a master lever) to select "vote straight-ticket Democrat" and "vote straight-ticket Republican" that voters can check instead of voting for each race; states that do so include Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky,Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah. West Virginia and Michigan abolished this practice in 2015 and 2016, respectively.
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