What do you understand by registers ? Give the name of two registers.
There are various types of Registers those are used for various purpose. Some Mostly used Registers are Accumulator(AC), Data Register(DR), Address Register(AR), Program Counter(PC), Memory Data Register (MDR), Index Register(IR), Memory Buffer Register(MBR). Registers are used for performing the various operations.
Registers are those type of computer memories which are used to quickly accept, store data, and transfer data and then further instructions are used immediately by the CPU.
1.The registers which are used by the CPU are known as Processor registers.
2.A register is a type of computer memory in which temporary storage area built into a CPU.
3.Registers are used in computer memory in order to carry out many operations.
4. Name of two registers are:
-Memory data register
-Address register
5. Registers are generally storage space for computers.