what do you understand by symmetry
In geometry, symmetry is defined as a balanced and proportionate similarity that is found in two halves of an object. It means one-half is the mirror image of the other half. The imaginary line or axis along which you can fold a figure to obtain the symmetrical halves is called the line of symmetry.
In geometry, symmetry is defined as a balanced and proportionate similarity that is found in two halves of an object. It means one-half is the mirror image of the other half. The imaginary line or axis along which you can fold a figure to obtain the symmetrical halves is called the line of symmetry.
If an object is symmetrical, it means that it is equal on both sides. Suppose, if we fold a paper such that half of the paper coincides with the other half of the paper, then the paper has symmetry.
Symmetry can be defined for both regular and irregular shapes. For example, a square is a regular (all sides are equal) and a rectangle is an irregular shape (since only opposite sides are equal). The symmetries for both shapes are different. Check different figures with symmetry here.
Symmetry in Mathematics
In Mathematics, a meaning of symmetry defines that one shape is exactly like the other shape when it is moved, rotated, or flipped. Consider an example, when you are told to cut out a ‘heart’ from a piece of paper, don’t you simply fold the paper, draw one-half of the heart at the fold and cut it out to find that the other half exactly matches the first half? The heart carved out is an example of symmetry.
Symmetry 1
Symmetry Math definition states that “symmetry is a mirror image”. When an image looks identical to the original image after the shape is being turned or flipped, then it is called symmetry. It exists in patterns. You may have often heard of the term ‘symmetry’ in day to day life. It is a balanced and proportionate similarity found in two halves of an object, that is, one-half is the mirror image of the other half. And a shape that is not symmetrical is referred to as asymmetrical. Symmetric objects are found all around us, in nature, architecture, and art.
Symmetrical Figures
Symmetrical shapes or figures are the objects where we can place a line such that the images on both sides of the line mirror each other. The below set of figures form symmetrical shapes when we place a plane or draw the lines.
Symmetrical figures
For example, figure (b) has the symmetrical figures when we draw two lines of symmetry as shown below.
Symmetrical figures example
Line of Symmetry
The imaginary line or axis along which you fold a figure to obtain the symmetrical halves is called the line of symmetry. It basically divides an object into two mirror-image halves. The line of symmetry can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal. There may be one or more lines of symmetry.
1 Line Symmetry
Figure is symmetrical only about one axis. It may be horizontal or vertical. The word ATOYOTA has one axis of symmetry along the axis passing through Y.