what do you understand by the phenomena of temperature inversion.how it will affect habitant
In meteorology, an inversion, also known as a temperature inversion, is a deviation from the normal change of an atmospheric property with altitude. It almost always refers to an inversion of the thermal lapse rate. Normally, air temperature decreases with an increase in altitude. During an inversion, warmer air is held above cooler air; the normal temperature profile with altitude is inverted.
Effects of Temperature Inversion on weather and habitats
Fog is formed due to the situation of warm air above and cold air below, and hence Visibility is reduced due to the formation of fog. This causes a lot of problem to the people, particularly in the transportation, as flights and trains are cancelled due to low visibility. Highways get blocked due to the slow movement of vehicles.
It causes frost when the condensation of warm air due to its cooling by cold air below occurs at a temperature below freezing point. Temperature Inversion also determines precipitation, cloud forms etc.
It causes atmospheric stability which stops upward and downward movements of air.
Diurnal variations in temperature are affected due to temperature inversion.
Diffusion of air pollutants is limited in case of temperature inversion, and hence stagnation in weather is witnessed for some period.
The convective clouds cannot grow high enough, and hence there are no showers, hence less rainfall. This causes problems in agriculture and its productivity.
Valleys may become very cold due to temperature inversion. People have to face cool weather and hence migrate up to the hills.
It may disturb the radio signals in the region as more of it is refracted from layers above the cold air.
It can also lead to violent thunderstorm if the temperature inversion is broken.
Sometimes, it also decreases the amount of sunlight reaching the ground due to the formation of cumulous clouds.
Due to a temperature inversion, there might be an absence of mountain and valley breeze
Temperature inversion, a reversal of the normal behaviour of temperature in the troposphere in which a layer of cool air at the surface is overlain by a layer of warmer air. (Under normal conditions air temperature usually decreases with height.)
Inversions play an important role in determining cloud forms, precipitation, and visibility. An inversion acts as a cap on the upward movement of air from the layers below. As a result, convection produced by the heating of air from below is limited to levels below the inversion.