What do you understand by the term human society in 500 words?
Humans generally do not live alone, isolated from each other. Instead, individuals tend to live in communities with other people related by ethnicity, nationality, religion, or some other cultural element. A human society is a group of people who share a common lifestyle and organization.Human societies can be classified in many different ways, depending on who is doing the categorizing.
Types of Societies
For example, anthropologists generally use the groups' method of subsistence to define them. If members of the group survive by hunting animals and gathering plants to eat, then anthropologists classify their group as a hunter-gatherer society. If the people tend to raise animals for meat, blood, or milk, then the society is called pastoralist. More stationary societies who grow crops to harvest are named agriculturalist, and those societies can eventually evolve into industrialized agriculturalist with the advent and implementation of fossil-fuel based technologies.
By contrast, political scientists tend to categorize societies by their political structure--who's in charge matters! Bands have loose organization and informal leadership traditions, often defaulting to the elders to make decisions and guide the youngsters. Tribes have a more structured society, heavily based on kinship relationships. Larger and more complex societies, called chiefdoms, involve multiple extended families under the control of one relatively permanent leader. Finally, the most complex political organization is called a state, which began making its appearance around 10,000 years ago around the same time as the agricultural revolution.
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