what do you understand by the term-justice, liberty, equality and fraternity in the preamble to the constitution for India?
Justice stands for rule of law, absence of arbitrariness and a system of equal rights, freedom and opportunities for all in a society. India seeks social, economic and political justice to ensure equality to its citizens.
The idea of Liberty refers to the freedom on the activities of Indian nationals.
The term 'Equality' means the absence of special privileges to any section of the society, and the pro-vision of adequate opportunities for all individuals without any discrimination. The Preamble secures to all citizens of India equality of status and opportunity.
Fraternity refers to a feeling of brotherhood and a sense of belonging with the country among its people.
Equality: The word “Equality” provides equal status and opportunities to all the citizens and people of the country.
Fraternity: “Fraternity” means a feeling of brotherhood.
The Preamble urges the people to assure the dignity of the individual and unity, the integrity of the nation