English, asked by pushpasatyani, 8 months ago

What do you understand by the term ‘linguistic chauvinism ‘?how does it become instrumental in the plight of people of Alsace


Answered by lamiayahiya77


Linguistic chauvinism is inordinate love for one's own language; this love is so much that one considers one's language to be superior to all the other languages of the world. The order from Berlin was an example of linguistic chauvinism. The Germans imposed their language on the people of Alsace and Lorraine


M Hamel's love for french is genuine. the shocking order from Berlin arouses the patriotic feelings in him. he says that french is the most beautiful language in the world and that it is the clearest and most logical language. he urges the people to safeguard their language and declares that it is the key to their freedom and unity.

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