Political Science, asked by soroops, 11 months ago

What do you understand by the terms
1 Office of profit,
2 First preference vote,
3 Single Transferable Vote,
4 Ordinance?
Answer it fast plzzzzzzz​


Answered by sharmaaradhana725

office of profit:

An office of profit means a position that brings to the person holding it some financial gain, or advantage, or benefit.

first preference vote:

A first preference vote is where the voter has given that party's candidates a number 1 on the ballot paper. These results are final.

.single transferable vote system:

single transferable vote system is a voting system for proportional representation.

proportional representation means that in any election if 90% voters voted for a particular party that means roughly 90% seats will be occupied by that party in that parliament/assembly.

so what happens otherwise??

actually what happens usually is that for e.g. there are total 3 candidates.

1.candidate A

2.candidate B

3.candidate C.

candidate A got 40 and B and C both got votes each that means A got 40% votes where as B and C got 60% votes.

which means ..that 60% voters didnt want A but still due to majority,candidate A gets the seat.

On the contrary in single transferable vote system the voter will first vote for his most preferred candidate and then will also state his preference order.

for example:

candidateA(3rd preference)

candidateB(1st preference)

candidateC(2nd preference)

now in case of no final verdict what happens is that the votes of the bottom candidate ( who got less number of votes will be transferred to that candidate who has been in the preference order.

for example:candidate C got least number of votes then the votes of candidate c will be tranferred and lets say the 2nd preference was candodate B and then those votes will be added to the votes of candidate B.

this process goes on unless there is single candidate left who wins the seats eventually.


Ordinances are laws that are promulgated by the President of India (Indian Parliament) on the recommendation of the Union Cabinet, which will have the same effect as an Act of Parliament. They can only be issued when Parliament is not in session. They enable the Indian government to take immediate legislative action. Ordinances cease to operate either if Parliament does not approve of them within six weeks of reassembly, or if disapproving resolutions are passed by both Houses. It is also compulsory for a session of Parliament to be held within six months.



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