English, asked by KHUSHI1234567890, 1 year ago

what doe calpurnia try to convince caesar of?


Answered by Steph0303

Calpurnia tries to convince Caesar to stay home on the Ides of March. She is worried about her dream. She dreamed that Caesar's statue flowed with blood. She is worried that something terrible will happen to Caesar if he leaves the house:

Calphurnia is Caesar's wife. In II.ii, she is concerned about the bad omens, which she frankly admits she has never put much credence in before this time. When Calphurnia gets on her knee to Caesar, she temporarily succeeds in persuading him to remain at home. She offers to let Caesar use her anxiety as an excuse for not going to the Capitol.

Caesar disregards Calpurnia's wishes in the beginning. Then she pleads for Caesar to stay home with her. Again, on bended knee, she begs Caesar to use her own anxiety as an excuse not to attend the Capitol meeting.

Calpurnia is grief-stricken. She fears that Caesar will be murdered if he stirs about. She desires for Caesar to stay at home with her.

Caesar finally decides to give in to his wife's anxiety. Caesar hears Calpurnia's pleas. He decides to please her by staying home. He tells Decius that he will honor his wife's wishes by staying home with her.

Then Decius has to use flattery to get Caesar to go to the Capitol. It works. Caesar decides to go to Capitol where he is stabbed thirty-three time by the conspirators.

Hope it helps!!


Pls mark it as brainliest answer if it helped u!!

Steph0303: you can take off the unnecessary points
Steph0303: ok this will do
Steph0303: pls mark it as the brainliest answer
Steph0303: if it helped u
Steph0303: thx
Answered by Payals
Not to go to the senate as she saw many strange things in her dream and she thought tbat if caesar will go to the senate he will be dead.
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