Math, asked by mahekmughal1102, 6 months ago



Answered by nivasravirajkumar

Try these steps first:

A number that is a perfect square never ends in 2, 3, 7 or 8. If your number ends in any of those numbers, you can stop here because your number is not a perfect square.

Obtain the digital root of the number. The digital root essentially is the sum of all of the digits. If you're lost, don't worry, we'll go over each step in more detail below.

All possible numbers that are a perfect square have a digital root of 1, 4, 7, 9.

Let's try it...

Step 1:

What is the last number of 1,233? It is this number: 1233. The answer is 3. Is 3 in the list of numbers that are never perfect squares (2, 3, 7 or 8)?

Answer: YES, 3 is in the list of numbers that are never perfect squares. The number 1,233 is NOT a perfect square and we can stop here as there is not need to complete the rest of the steps.

More Examples

Number 1,231 1,232 1,234 1,235

Perfect Square? no no no no

Answered by patelgarima398

Step-by-step explanation:

square of 4 = 16

1 2 3 3 is a numbers

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