what does corvus splendens mean?
hope its help you if it's help you so plz mark me a brainlest
The house crow, also known as the Indian, greynecked, Ceylon or Colombo crow, is a common bird of the crow family that is of Asian origin but now found in many parts of the world, where they arrived assisted by shipping. It is between the jackdaw and the carrion crow in size but is slimmer than either.
corvus splendens : House crow
1-word meaning
corvus: Corvus is a widely distributed genus of medium-sized to large birds in the family Corvidae. It includes species commonly known as crows, ravens and rooks.
The house crow is a common bird of the crow family that is of Asian origin but now found in many parts of the world, where they arrived assisted by shipping. It is between the jackdaw and the carrion crow in size but is slimmer than either.
Facts: (I read this in my textbook it was very interesting.) The numbering is to show the points.
:- House Crows used to be abundant and found everywhere across Singapore between 1985 and 2003. But in recent years, the numbers have gone down .
asily recognised by its black plumage with greyish nape and breast[3], the House Crow has established its breeding populations in more than 25 countries beyond its native range[4] ! Its native range include parts of India, southern Iran, Myanmar and western Yunan (China)[3]. In many introduced areas, it considered to be a pest or an invasive species. An invasive species refers to an organism that is not native to a specific location, and it has the tendency to proliferate in high numbers which can potentially cause net harm (negative impacts) to the environment, human economy and health[5]