English, asked by skzaid8250, 11 months ago

What does courage means to mandela in about 200 words?


Answered by Anonymous

Nelson Mandela was courageous because he was an activist against apartheid in South Africa. His courage is what separated him from the other blacks by taking a stand and being a role-model. According to Jeff Trussell's essay, it is stated that "Instead of bowing down to this unjust system of government, he became a lifelong warrior in the battle to free South Africa" (Trussell, Jeff). This shows his courage because he saw something unjust and was dedicated to fix it. Mandela devoted his life towards a battle that would be more than difficult to succeed in, but held a strong to fight for the rights of his people. In addition to his lifelong battle to terminate apartheid, he led his country in a peaceful matter. "Unlike the young leaders with whom he grew up, Mandela was ready to try every possible technique to destroy apartheid peacefully, though he, too, realized the futility of nonviolence in view of the conditions which prevailed in his country" (Encyclopedia of World Biography).This shows courage because he was willing to try nonviolence even though others had tried to demolish apartheid with violence. The African National Congress (ANC) tried to fight peacefully but Nelson Mandela argued for the setting up of a military wing within the ANC to protect the blacks in 1961. Even though the government, along with others, was against this cause and degraded the South Africans, Mandela stayed courageous against the odds and fought for his people's freedom.

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