History, asked by Mrtyunjay6406, 1 year ago

What does it mean to be a good person?


Answered by dishakasaudhan697

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What Is The Best Way To Become A Good Person Philosophy Essay

5017 words (20 pages) Essay in Philosophy

5/12/16 Philosophy Reference this

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I chose this topic because I am very concerned with life in this era. Many people underestimate the value of behaviour. They are only busy with daily activities. In fact, the behaviour is the most important thing in life, because without the behaviour, we are nothing. Although we have a high value on something, but bad behaviour, we are nothing in public.

A good person is someone who displays love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, humility, patience and who is faithful and endures all things. It is someone who displays self control and considers others more important than self. It is someone who is a good friend, a good listener and someone who displays integrity dignity and accountability towards self and towards others. This person is not judgmental and holds no score of records against others but walks in forgiveness and understanding of others. This person does not bad mouth but rather stands up for someone. This is someone who would lay down his life for others not as a doormat, but as a true friend. There are few people today who fall into this category and if you find one, run with that person because that person is positive and someone you can always count on a true friend.

People Problem to be a Good Person

Many people said “It’s so hardly to become a good person, because I am very busy and have many problem, so i have no time to learn what about ‘how to be a good person’, i can’t to do that”. But in fact, we don’t need many act, we just need to do what should we do. Actually, we haven’t realize that we often to do something, like, be proactive in some place, give people the benefit of the doubt, etc

Answered by rekhagawali123

well......i dont think this is a history question but still I would like to answer this

a good person is not to show others that u r good to to let know yourself that r u really a good person or not.Everyone is a good person u just have to know it by yourself. You have to decide yourself that u r good or bad.

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