what does kindness mean share an incident when you showed kindness to someone
Many people define kindness by lack of judgment, complete acceptance, or saying or doing things others like. Even though that is a popular way to understand kindness, it is wrong because it only describes a small part of kindness. That definition is incomplete and shallow.
True kindness can be understood by some of its synonyms: benignity, benevolence, charity, compassion, generosity, or sympathy.
Kindness describes the motivation behind the actions and people tend to focus on that. But kindness also tells the other person hard truths when that is what’s best for them. If a doctor acted kindly in accordance to the popular definition, he would not tell the patient that the mole on their skin is a type of cancer. He would “accept them as they are” and be “non-judgmental”. He would “support their lifestyle decisions” of staying uncovered and unprotected from the sun…and they would likely die. To be truly kind, the doctor should, out of a sense of benevolence for the person and as sympathetically as he can, tell the patient that they have a cancer that must be treated.
If a person’s behavior is so off-putting that they are turning people away and are likely to have no friends or be unsuccessful in life, it would be kind to tell them so and give them the chance to change.
So true kindness is about celebrating the good and healthy in folk but also honestly recognizing and despising the bad and unhealthy in them – because it is bad and unhealthy for them. Kindness is not expressed in blunt truth spoken because the speaker is hurt – it is blunt truth spoken because the listener is injuring themselves or embarrassing themselves.
In Hebrew this is attitude called to’elet – possessing a positive, constructive and beneficial purpose. It’s not always well received…but it should always be well intentioned.