English, asked by sonusaini39, 1 year ago

what does Nelson mandela think about the black people who fought for the country's political independence​


Answered by SaafirBhimani

Nelson Mandela saluted the blacks who fought for the country's political independence but some blacks who died he wished they could able to see the independence they wanted

sonusaini39: I asked that what he thinks not what he did...
Answered by molimurali2535

the author says that the country's political freedom is due to great sacrifices of thousands of his own people which cannot be repaid he thinks himself as the sum of all those African Patriots he regret that he would be able to thank them he says the policy of apartheid created wounds in the people of his country .recovering from that was not possible it would take centuries to heal but decades the opepressiom and brutality produced great freedom fighters they were Oliver tambo ,Yusuf dadoos,fishcher,Walter sisulus etc

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