what does per capita availability of food grains indicate?
This study examines the composition of food grains production in India during 1950-51 to 2002-03, both at aggregate and disaggregate level and demonstrates that cereals, including rice, wheat and coarse cereals have indicated the growth rate of 48.93 during 1950-51 to 2002-03. Among cereals, the production of rice recorded major growth when compared to wheat and coarse cereals. This paper discloses that the production of pulses has indicated a dissatisfactory picture with frequent fluctuations. State-wise analysis of food grains in India recorded some interesting results during the period under consideration. Among 28 States, Andhra Pradesh maintained supremacy in the production of rice. Uttar Pradesh remained on the top in the production of wheat and pulses. In the production of coarse cereals, Maharashtra occupied the top place. The per capita availability of cereals per day has been maintaining the required levels. But the per capita availability of pulses per day has been lower than the average daily requirement of 67.95 grams per head during the study period. However, the study indicates a warning signal of scarcity in the production of pulses. It also demonstrates that net availability of cereals is not adequate to meet the growing needs of the growing population. Hence, the importation of food has become inevitable in India. The authors suggest certain measures to solve the imbalances in the production of food grains and to improve the per capita availability of food in the country.
Per capita availability of food grains:
• Food availability is when all people have adequate quantities of food available on a regular basis. Food availability is determined by food manufacture and food trade.
• The per capita availability of cereals per day has been maintaining the required levels.
• It also indicates that net availability of food grain is not acceptable to meet the growing requirements of the growing population. Hence, the importation of food has become expected in India