English, asked by kachwayasunaina, 4 months ago

what does Rep stand for?


Answered by meeraraj1857


there are multiple full-forms of it


Acronym -Definition

REP Representative

REP Reply

REP Repair

REP Repeat

REP Reputation

REP Registered Education Provider

REP Republican

REP Retail Electric Provider

REP Repetition

REP Real Estate Professional

REP Republicans for Environmental Protection

REP Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

REP Republikaner (German Conservative Party)

REP Real Estate Photographer

REP Reasonable Expectation of Privacy (law)

REP Rural Education Program (various locations)

REP Real Estate Partnership

REP Re-Entry Permit (immigration)

REP Rural Electrification Programme (various locations)

REP Rab Escort Protein

REP Race Equality Policy (various organizations)

REP Reynolds Number

REP Renewable Energy Project (Nepal)

REP Report File

REP Regional Exchange Point

REP Reply File

REP Replace Command

REP Residential Exchange Program (utility law)

REP Radiological Emergency Preparedness

REP Registered Environmental Professional

REP Resistive Exercise Products

REP Rehabilitation Engineering Program (various organizations)

REP Re-Employment Program (Toronto, Canada)

REP Repose en Paix (French: Rest in Peace; band)

REP Regional Evacuation Plan (US FEMA)

REP Real Estate Publisher

REP Roentgen Equivalent Physical

REP Requirements Engineering Process

REP Research Ethics Program (various schools)

REP Recreation Engineering and Planning (Boulder, CO)

REP Retail Energy Provider

REP Researcher Exchange Programme

REP Reconnaissance de l'Expérience Professionnelle (French: Recognition of Professional Experience)

REP Raleigh Ensemble Players (Raleigh, NC)

REP Régiment Etranger Parachutiste (French: Parachute Infantry Regiment)

REP Release Reuse Equivalency Principle

REP Reserve Enlistment Program

REP Re-Entry Partnership (various locations)

REP Réseau Ecologique Paneuropéen (French: Pan-European Ecological Network)

REP Radioisotope Electric Propulsion

REP Recognised Environmental Picture (British Royal Navy tool)

REP Relativistic Electron Precipitation

REP Radio Emergency Patrol (NYPD)

REP Relativistic Effective Potential

REP Read-Evaluate-Print

REP Represent/Represented

REP Reasonable Efforts Program

REP Resonance Escape Probability

REP Range Error Probable

REP Realtek Echo Protocol

REP Regional Equalisation Plan (Australia)

REP Regional Evacuation Point

REP Residue Elimination Project

REP Réaction Extra-Pyramidale

REP Residue Elimination Program

REP Rating to Economic Performance (HSBC stock valuation tool)

REP Radio-Electronic Protection

REP Reinsurance Earned Premiums

REP Refined Engineering Prototype

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