English, asked by arunpradhan2005, 1 year ago

What does 'SNAP mean? Why is it all in capitals?


Answered by sairamv919


make a sudden audible bite

Answered by gayatrikumari99sl


  • To snap something implies to breaking it suddenly. Snap can also refer to the act of making something loud and sudden.
  • Snap has a colloquial term that means something is simple. As a verb and a noun, snap has a wide variety of additional meanings.


  • A snake snapping at a mouse is an illustration of this.
  • A person who snaps at someone is being one who is being nagged by another person while they are sitting quietly.
  • It is all in capitals because screaming or shouting are terms used to describe the appearance of short sequences of words written in capital letters as being stronger and "louder" than those written in mixed cases.
  • A word can be declared to be an acronym by using all caps.


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