what does the ant looks like under a microscope?
They evolved from wasp-like organisms about 120 million years ago (during the mid-Cretaceous period) and play an important role in various ecologies as scavengers, herbivores, predators, and granivores. In the Amazon, for instance, ants have been suggested to make up about 30 percent of the total animal biomass.
Like human beings, ants are social organisms that live in highly organized societies as colonies (formicary). As such, they have been shown to exhibit complex social behavior through their interactions. Typically, a colony of ants consists of one or several egg-laying queens (depending on the species) and an army of female worker ants. Males, on the other hand (which have wings), usually die shortly after mating.
* Ants have been associated with such behaviors as herding (through their relationship with aphids) and storing food in an organized manner.