What does the challenge of deepening involve?
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The challenge of deepening involves the following aspects:
● Strenthening of the insitutions and the democratic set up.
● Helping the peopel to realise their expectations through democracy.
● A major issue that arises here is that different peopel have differnt expextations from the democracy.
● So, this challenge has different meaning in different countries.
● Improving the level of participation of the people.
● Reducing the effect of the richer sections of the society and the powerful people on the decisions of the government.
● It is faced by every country in some way or the other.
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Challenge of deepening democracy
The challenge of deepening democracy in any country is achieving the following:
- Strengthen the democratic institutions and set up.
- Help people to realize their expectations through democracy.
- Active participation of the people in monitoring the government and holding it accountable.
- Reduce the influence of stronger sections of the people on government's decision making.
- Resolve conflicts arising from different expectations by different groups of people in the country.
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