English, asked by Narang9035, 11 months ago

What does the homeless poem say


Answered by amitkumar9612
Feel our lives as Homeless People for a moment. Taste it through our lips. Know it through our touch. Experience it through our words.

​​Written by Formerly Homeless Person, Jacob Folger​

Concrete Pillow

By Jacob Folger

December 22, 2011

It is hard, cold and unforgiving

All morning, day and night

Many think I chose this life for me

They say it’s not their fight.

Sometimes the hunger really sucks

But I do have my pride

I wont beg, so if I must

In the garbage I will dive.

My one pair of stockings

are so filthy and so stiff

I try to wash them in the public fountain

Since I wont likely get new ones as a gift.

I while away the hours

I just try to get through each day

I wish there was a job for me

To earn some honest pay.

I watch the traffic going by

Busy people to and fro

It is though I am not even here

No one will say hello.

It is now time to lay down to sleep

I pray the Lord, my soul will keep

And whether or not I die before I wake

All homelessness in this world, please erradicate.

A Shiver Is All

By Jacob Folger

Summer drops off to Autumn

Leaves change and blow free

Days darken early

A shiver is all

A clear cold night

Wind whistling through trees

Frost keeping me up

A shiver is all

A cold dank stairwell

One blanket not two

No pillow for my head

A shiver is all

A sweet Christmas home

Cozy and warm

Comfort completely

But for me, a shiver is all

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