What does the poet hate to inform Dr Invention?
Invent a New Poem: Notice the "beat" of Dr. Invention.
Recite the poem to the students clapping on the stressed syllables with the recitation. Help
students notice that some syllables are stressed and others are said softer and must be said faster
to keep the beat. English has stressed and unstressed syllables and is a stress-timed language.
Students whose first language is syllable-stressed will find English easier to understand and to
speak well if they notice this difference.
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DOCtor InVENtion inVENted a LIGHT
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that HELPS people SEE in the DARK . This line…
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He ALso inVENted a MERry-go ROUND
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that SPINS round and ROUND in the PARK. rhymes with
this one.
Work with a partner. Use the "inventions" that your class thought might be in Dr.
Invention's book to invent a poem of your own. Use the same beat and rhymes that Mr.
Sardelli used to write "Dr. Invention."
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DOCtor InVENtion inVENted
that HELPS people Can you make
this line…
1 2
He ALso inVENted
that rhyme with this
Teach your poem to another pair of students, then add your poems together. If the beat
and rhyme is the same, your poems will work well together! Share with other students in
the class to make the longest poem you can!