What does the principle of sustainable development mean? the intention of the principle of sustainable development is that development is carried out for the present but does not sacrifice the fulfillment of needs in the future
Discussion :
Unity is a union, bond, or a combination of several parts that have been united, while unity is about one unity or single nature. Unity and unity come from the word one, which means that the whole is not divided. Unity implies the bounding of a part / group of people who have the spirit of nationalism (love of the homeland) into a unity and own unity is a situation where all layers of society have the soul of nationalism and patriotism (willing to sacrifice) so as to form a whole. Some forms of unity and unity are as follows:
a. Foster harmony and balance.
b. Love each other, nurture and give each other.
c. Do not highlight a difference but look for similarities that exist
d. Placing the interests of the nation and state above personal / group interests.
e. Willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation and state.
Three important meanings regarding the unity and unity of the Indonesian nation, namely as follows:
a. A sense of unity and integrity builds a sense of togetherness and complementarity with each other.
b. Establish a sense of humanity and tolerance and a sense of harmony to live side by side.
c. Establish a sense of friendship, kinship, and attitudes of helping others and attitudes towards nationalism.
Factors driving national unity and unity :
a. There is a sense of fate and arms Occupation by the Dutch and Japanese made the Indonesian people suffer the same fate, namely accepting acts of discrimination and human rights violations. This incident raises the spirit to reclaim Indonesia from the hands of the invaders, so that our heroes struggle to re-liberate the Indonesian state. Given the struggle of our predecessors, the Indonesian people should be able to maintain the unity and unity of the country.
b. The desire to unite
This desire to unite has emerged a long time ago and Indonesian youth from Sabang to Merauke gathered and pioneered the desire to unite this through the oath of youth on October 28, 1928. We must have this spirit to encourage unity and unity in Indonesia.
c. Love of the homeland
The love of the homeland is a way of thinking, behaving, and acting that shows loyalty, caring, and a high appreciation for the nation, and the country.