what does the speaker say his trade is explain in detail

Answer:Trade is a basic economic concept involving the buying and selling of goods and services, with compensation paid by a buyer to a seller, or the exchange of goods or services between parties. Trade can take place within an economy between producers and consumers.he exchange of goods among people, states and countries is referred to as a trade. Trade between two countries is called international trade, while trade occurring in a region within the same country is called local trade.rade refer to the prosess of traveling of goods from one country to another country . The importantce of international trade is ; It is the main channel for connecting countries : goods travel from one markets to another country . Choices rises : choices of goods in the market rises .The purchase and sales of goods and services are known as Trade. The trade is an integral part of commerce. It simply refers to sale, transfer or exchange of goods and services.The purchase and sales of goods and services are known as Trade. The trade is an integral part of commerce. It simply refers to sale, transfer or exchange of goods and services.