English, asked by Niks4394, 4 months ago

What does the town chronicle say which proves that this story did take place?


Answered by hiraldubey5


Could the legend of the Pied Piper hint at a real tragedy that befell the town of Hamelin more than 700 years ago?

If you watch enough horror movies, sooner or later you’ll hear a character utter a variation on the phrase, “Every legend has a basis in fact.” Whether or not that statement is true, it is a fact that many of our most outlandish fables and fictions are rooted, at least somewhat, in actual history, and that truth often is stranger than fiction.

Chances are, most of us have encountered some variation on the fairy tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. It is one of many folktales recorded by the Brothers Grimm, and has appeared in the writings of Robert Browning and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, not to mention worked its way into popular culture from A Nightmare on Elm Street, to Bill Willingham’s Fables tie-in novel Peter & Max, to the TV show Lost Girl. Alleged sexual predator R. Kelly has even called himself "the Pied Piper of R&B."

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