What does the UAE mean to you
The UAE, to me, means a world of peace and opportunities. Being a resident of UAE for over 15 years, it's been amazing to see how the country grows and develops not just economically, but also in many other aspects. The rulers and leaders pay a lot of attention to the welfare of the society, ensuring that everyone is happy. It brings a sense of tolerance, being able to see people of various nationalities here, not just as residents, but also as employees. Jobs are not restricted to the locals alone. Every culture is accepted. Every religion and belief is accepted. Every colour is accepted. Every race is accepted. Strict rules and punishments are also put in action whenever and wherever needed, ensuring the safety and security of people. Even if things go out of control, like the ongoing pandemic, the country ensures that there is no form of panic and that the appropriate plans and actions are adopted to take care of things. It keeps striving to find and develop things for the future generation to use and carry forward their expertise and knowledge to their future generation. The UAE has taught me how to accept and embrace changes through the years. Seeing how the country was back in the 90s to how it is now, it definitely shows how determined the people here are to make the world a better place to live in.
It means 'The United Arab Emirates- a federation of seven states' to me.