What does this tell us about Philippine society?Do you think this is still true today?
The story "Lengua para diablo" tells us about Philippine culture.
In the Philippines, the father is considered as the face of the family who supports and shapes his family. If a father loses his means of income or loses his voice to speak, it damages his children badly. In the story, the writer shows how important a father plays a role for his children and family.
It’s more fun in the Philippines – observers of Philippine democracy could very well apply our tourism slogan to our political landscape. Hard-won after centuries of colonization, years of occupation and decades of dictatorship, Philippine-style democracy is colourful, occasionally chaotic – and arguably inspiring.
Take elections, for example, the cornerstone of democratic institutions. Voters see their power to choose their leaders as their strongest check on the behaviour of the government, their one chance to exact accountability.
hope help you my answer