English, asked by joancampana, 1 year ago

What elements of business would you suggest remain the same and what elements need revising?


Answered by danger2776
What elements of business would you suggest remain the same and what elements might need revising?I think that by decentralizing they are moving in the right direcTon. I believe the company structure willbe be³er suited to handle a crisis. With individual regional CEOs the company will be able to focus onissues in their region and move forward accordingly. I would hope that the company will sTll allow theworkers to stop the assembly line, if they spot an issue. ²hey should keep the focus on quality, like theydid before.What are the most important elements of ²oyota’s organizaTonal structure?²he most important elements of ²oyota’s structure are that they have become a learningstructure. ²hey have adapted to the mistakes in the past that led to economic hardships. By becoming adecentralized company, they have ´xed their weakness. Also by becoming more diverse they can appealto an even larger market and become more innovaTve.
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