What erroneous notion
did Aristotle have?
What does his example
convey to you?
Aristotle was a great philosopher and scientist whose work is changing the world even today. His invention on logic and his work on metaphysics, poetics and politics is excruciating. However, in his time, he came up with a few erroneous notions that have always been subject to criticism. At one time he devised a notion that women are monstrous. He was for the idea that women have fewer teeth and that men are more perfect and with hotter blood. He even pointed out that women should not be citizens and should be communally shared.
This notion was partially influenced by life during his time. However, the current world is very different. We should learn to test a theory and prove if it is right or wrong before believing it. Moreover, we should not have prejudice over various theories that are created by famous men in society and assume that they are the best.