English, asked by oop35353535353, 1 month ago

What event in “The Black Hole of Technology” strengthens the author’s opinion about technology?


Answered by renuthakur3333


The Black Hole of Technology

Leena Khan



High School Student

01/30/2015 02:25 PM ET


Updated Apr 01, 2015

The black hole of endless, unimportant streams of technology-enabled information is devouring everyone living in the 21st century. No matter how much people may look at information, it does not mean they are absorbing it. Equating quality with speed and volume, people may read thousands of news headlines broadcasted across the world daily, yet they will forget them in a couple of hours. No one stops to process information anymore to determine its significance or importance. No one appreciates the value of personal interaction or nature. Everything is go, go, go. Not once do we stop. Before being introduced to my phone and computer, I had been more appreciative of the world around me. Now, I'm always consumed by my "tech," and I never stop to take a break


Answered by 27peterm


do it yourself, ( not trying to be rude at all


so I did exactly what you ae doing for a long time (looking up answers) and then I stopped because my teacher quizzed us in class instead of online and I did not understand any of it at all so ditch brainly and do it by yourself I know you have it in you and who ever else sees this STOP looking at this a study without brainly

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