English, asked by konkalavanya675, 7 months ago

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Describe Sindbad's preparations for his journey.​


Answered by saumya200619


Like the 1001 Nights the Sinbad story-cycle has a frame story which goes as follows: in the days of Harun al-Rashid, Caliph of Baghdad, a poor porter (one who carries goods for others in the market and throughout the city) pauses to rest on a bench outside the gate of a rich merchant's house, where he complains to God about the injustice of a world which allows the rich to live in ease while he must toil and yet remain poor. The owner of the house hears and sends for the porter, finding that they are both named Sinbad. The rich Sinbad tells the poor Sinbad that he became wealthy "by Fortune and Fate" in the course of seven wondrous voyages, which he then proceeds to relate.


Answered by Anonymous


Sindbad the Sailor is one of the most popular stories in the world. It has been recast continuously in children's stories, Hollywood films, Arabic poetry and modern American and Arabic fiction. In its travel across cultures, historical eras, genres and media, the story has always managed to transform itself into something that is simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar. This article looks at the workings of the narrative, which effect such transformations and, more particularly, at the role of ideology, genre ideology and subjectivity in driving narrative and shaping story. It traces the transformations of Sindbad the Sailor in Hollywood films and contemporary American and Arabic fiction then rereads the Nights story, relating the sources of change to the culture that produced each version.

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