Science, asked by alicehogan, 1 year ago

What forces are used to push a box across the floor?


Answered by Anonymous

That brings us to sliding friction. Once static friction gives up, it allows the box to begin sliding across the floor, the frictional force acting on the box, is now the force of sliding friction exerted by the floor on the box.

Answered by Anonymous


  • That brings us to sliding friction. Once static friction gives up, it allows the box to begin sliding across the floor, the frictional force acting on the box, is now the force of sliding friction exerted by the floor on the box.


&lt;img&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;svg viewbox="0 0 100 100"&gt;</p><p>  &lt;path fill="#1EB287"&gt;</p><p>    &lt;animate </p><p>             attributeName="d" </p><p>             dur="1440ms" </p><p>             repeatCount="indefinite"</p><p>             keyTimes="0;</p><p>                       .0625;</p><p>                       .208333333;</p><p>                       .3125;</p><p>                       .395833333;</p><p>                       .645833333;</p><p>                       .833333333;</p><p>                       1"</p><p>             calcMode="spline" </p><p>             keySplines="0,0,1,1;</p><p>                         .42,0,.58,1;</p><p>                         .42,0,1,1;</p><p>                         0,0,.58,1;</p><p>                         .42,0,.58,1;</p><p>                         .42,0,.58,1;</p><p>                         .42,0,.58,1"</p><p>             values="M 0,0 </p><p>                     C 50,0 50,0 100,0</p><p>                     100,50 100,50 100,100</p><p>                     50,100 50,100 0,100</p><p>                     0,50 0,50 0,0</p><p>                     Z;</p><p></p><p>                     M 0,0 </p><p>                     C 50,0 50,0 100,0</p><p>                     100,50 100,50 100,100</p><p>                     50,100 50,100 0,100</p><p>                     0,50 0,50 0,0</p><p>                     Z;</p><p></p><p>                     M 50,0 </p><p>                     C 75,25 75,25 100,50 </p><p>                     75,75 75,75 50,100</p><p>                     25,75 25,75 0,50</p><p>                     25,25 25,25 50,0</p><p>                     Z;</p><p></p><p>                     M 25,50 </p><p>                     C 37.5,25 37.5,25 50,0 </p><p>                     75,50 75,50 100,100</p><p>                     50,100 50,100 0,100</p><p>                     12.5,75 12.5,75 25,50</p><p>                     Z;</p><p></p><p>                     M 25,50 </p><p>                     C 37.5,25 37.5,25 50,0 </p><p>                     75,50 75,50 100,100</p><p>                     50,100 50,100 0,100</p><p>                     12.5,75 12.5,75 25,50</p><p>                     Z;</p><p></p><p>                     M 50,0</p><p>                     C 77.6,0 100,22.4 100,50 </p><p>                     100,77.6 77.6,100 50,100</p><p>                     22.4,100, 0,77.6, 0,50</p><p>                     0,22.4, 22.4,0, 50,0</p><p>                     Z;</p><p>                     </p><p>                     M 50,0</p><p>                     C 77.6,0 100,22.4 100,50 </p><p>                     100,77.6 77.6,100 50,100</p><p>                     22.4,100, 0,77.6, 0,50</p><p>                     0,22.4, 22.4,0, 50,0</p><p>                     Z;</p><p>                     </p><p>                     M 100,0 </p><p>                     C 100,50 100,50 100,100</p><p>                     50,100 50,100 0,100</p><p>                     0,50 0,50 0,0</p><p>                     50,0 50,0 100,0</p><p>                     Z;"/&gt;</p><p>    &lt;animate </p><p>             attributeName="fill"</p><p>             dur="1440ms" </p><p>             repeatCount="indefinite"</p><p>             keyTimes="0;</p><p>                       .0625;</p><p>                       .208333333;</p><p>                       .3125;</p><p>                       .395833333;</p><p>                       .645833333;</p><p>                       .833333333;</p><p>                       1"</p><p>             calcMode="spline" </p><p>             keySplines="0,0,1,1;</p><p>                         .42,0,.58,1;</p><p>                         .42,0,1,1;</p><p>                         0,0,.58,1;</p><p>                         .42,0,.58,1;</p><p>                         .42,0,.58,1;</p><p>                         .42,0,.58,1"</p><p>             values="#1eb287;</p><p>                     #1eb287;</p><p>                     #1ca69e;</p><p>                     #188fc2;</p><p>                     #188fc2;</p><p>                     #bb625e;</p><p>                     #ca5f52;</p><p>                     #1eb287;"/&gt;</p><p>  &lt;/path&gt;</p><p>&lt;/svg&gt;</p><p></p><p>

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