what generates a trend who are involved in creating a trend?
It's simple: trends are spread by people. Everyone has a specific role in making an idea or activity a trend. ... Innovators are the ones responsible for bringing an idea to life. Early adopters, who have significant influence, then drive trends towards becoming a reality.
When a collection of influential aspects or partials resonate with a big enough group of early adopters in a certain demographic sector, a trend is born.
* The trend is started by a creator who is more of a partial collector and assembler. The creator works as a spark plug, igniting the shared sentiments by drawing attention to them for a brief while.
* The trend emerges from the chaos as a distinct set and spreads in a predictable pattern to neighboring demographic sectors.
* Agents - single characters that represent a group of sequential adopters - are used to abstract the spaces. Throughout a lifespan, the sequence tends to move from inventor to copycat to frugalist to interpreter, and so on.