What happen if we eat to less?
nothing will happen
because its all depend on the no of calories that you have taken last time
In this fast moving life, we all skip meals due to important meetings, travel, customer engagements, and more. But if this practice has become regular, it might have adverse effects on your body.
*Acidity is one of the common problems when you skip your meals. In a research experiment by Russian scientist Dr Pavlov, he used to ring bell at specific time to serve food to the dogs. Dogs used to become hungry at the same time and start salivating just by ringing bell even if food the food was not served.
*Another problem which may occur because of skipping meal is piles and fissures. If a person is too busy the entire day and don’t eat properly until evening, he realizes that he is very hungry by evening, so he eat his meals in a hurry without chewing food properly. Suddenly large amount of food enters his system.
*Diabetes can yet be another problem when you skip meals. If you skip your meals, by the evening you will be very hungry. In hunger, you would not be able to eat something like salads as it takes longer time to chew. So you will end up eating some processed food low in fiber or high sugar food. You would crave for sweets because your blood sugar will go down due to long gap in meal and having sweet food will make you feel good instantly.