Science, asked by aishowrya, 1 year ago

What happen when the light rays enter in a triangular glass prism ?
Explanation requires considerable length:)


Answered by AnviGottlieb

here's your answer!

➡yes , when a beam of white light is passed through a hollow prism .. it refracts to produce the spectrum of 7 colours .

➡ the spectrum includes
◾V- violet \
◾I - indigo \
◾b - blue \
◾g - green l ⏩ this is called Vibgyor
◾y - yellow /
◾o - orange/
◾r - red /

➡ this happens because the two faces of the prism act together like a glass slab .. which does not reflect light

➡ rather refracts it - now if you pass a spectrum through the prism - a clear beam of white light will come out from it

➡ but you must be thinking why this happens?
well .. this happens because when you combine these 7 colours can, white will be formed

➡ we're able to see the layers of the colours Because all the colours have different wavelengths and refractive indexes

➡ the glass slab gives spectrum too but it's not seen because the glass slab is too slender and narrow .. naked eyes can't see it


Answered by bookguru
When light rays fall in glass prism, light rays bends and change its actual pathway... And the light deviated into many different colours. Red light bend less than other colour and violet color bend more than others. The wave length of redlight is higher than other and wave length of violet is just opp to red.
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