What happened after the Braille alphabet was developed?
When Braille died in 1852 from tuberculosis at age forty-three, he did not realize that his invention would enable blind and visually handicapped people throughout the world to read and write as well as sighted people.
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When was Braille developed?
Louis Braille, who was blinded at the age of three, invented the system in 1824 while a student at the Institution Nationale des Jeunes Aveugles (National Institute for Blind Children), Paris. Reading Braille. The Frenchman Valentin Haüy was the first person to emboss paper as a means of reading for the blind.
How did Braille come into use?
Braille is named after its creator, Louis Braille, a Frenchman who lost his sight as a result of a childhood accident. In 1824, at the age of fifteen, he developed a code for the French alphabet as an improvement on night writing. He published his system, which subsequently included musical notation, in 1829.
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